Storytellers Presents;
The Experience
July 22, 2023 Charles Town, WV
Are you ready to DIG DEEP & FIND YOUR HEART?
What do you get from a storytellers event
- Transformative - Inspiring - encouraging - empowering - Super Charged - Emotional - lifetime connections

July 22, 2023
11am - 6pm
(Shopping|Food|Welcome 11 - 12)
During this intimate afternoon - we will be joined
by women who have allowed for massive transformation in their lives to inspire and awaken you to your best self. To deepen your connection
to the world around you - and the world within.
Storyteller events create massive shifts for everyone who attend.
This Summer, we will dig in
Go deep
Find your heart
and welcome ourselves home.
We are back in WV for session 2 in 2023.
Join us.
Saturday, July 22, 2023 - |Charles Town, WV
Meet women, just like you, who are looking to transform, grow and support one another (yup, women supporting women)
Time to connect, socialize and retreat
Meditation|Somatic Practices
Making new friends - expanding your community
Powerful Stories from leading women in our community +
Self guided + Group activities to connect, learn and grow
A new set of tools to help guide yourself into the world
What Participants Say:
"When I started crying at the very beginning I knew I was in the right place. I loved that you created a space for me to freely express myself. I loved the reminder that we all have a story." ST 2020 Participant
I loved how quickly the community came together. I loved hearing and sharing stories. I loved that women came from all walks of life. I loved that the conversation "went there" and went deep quickly. - ST 2021 Participant
I felt seen and that this was maybe a catalyst to the start of something greater in my life. - 2022 ST Participant

What does a storytellers event feel like? take a look!
want to sponsor this event? Get your business in front of influential women in our community and be a part of women supporting women? email: marciahoffheins@gmail.com for more details
Meet the Storytellers

Coleen Clement
The somatic guide.
Coleen is back! And you won't want to miss out on the experience she brings to the event.Coleen has dedicated her life to help bring women back to the wisdom of their bodies through a multitude of healing modalities. But she's more than this. Coleen's presence will guide you to places you did not realize were waiting for you to explore. She brings a sense of steady, grounding, love and saftey to everything she touches.

Marcia Hoffheins
The Mastermind.
The Magic.
Marcia will once again masterfully bring us together in a way that organically flows right back to your SOUL.
It's all about you. It's all about the connection, the guts, the soul and the energy of connection. To be seen, heard and felt. The curation of the programs create the space for each of you to show up, feel at home at peace and cared for as YOU create a path. It's about US
Casey Crowe Taylor
The Rule breaker
The Voice.
Casey is a serial entreprenuer, marketing magician, Mom of 2 and The Voice. I don't think Casey chose to be the voice - but this is what has chosen her. From being on the front lines of the Victoria Secret debacle to more recently being a voice for mom's with young children, Casey is not afraid to share her guts with the world for betterment, for connection for awareness and for the love of it all. Casey will speak on postpartum depression, how she got there and how she found her way through.

Trisha Creppon
The Creator.
The Change-maker.
The StoryTeller.
The choice to reach out and ask for a cup of coffee with an - at the time - stranger - was the catalyst for Trisha taking control of her story. A powerful moment that she really had no idea the perfect timing, the big risk and the life she never thought she could have was just about to expand in front of her in the form of total destruction.

Tori Truesdale
The Advocate.
The Overcomer.
It was always the intention for the participants to become the Storytellers. Tori is this exact transformation. Tori is a bridge, an advocate and a connector. She is committed to breaking cycles - and that is what Storytellers 2021 gave her. The jumping off point to work on this piece of her puzzle. In one of her darkest places in time, Tori said yes to Storytellers and it transformed her life.

Thank you to Our Sponsors & Vendors

